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2025 Scholarship Program

Applications Now Open

(IMPORTANT: Both forms must be completed and returned)

Producers Cooperative is proud to continuously support youth in agriculture across the Brazos Valley and beyond in any way that we can. We are happy to announce that we will be offering a total of $20,000 in scholarships this year for 2025 graduating high school seniors! Applications are now open.  Please read the information on this page carefully and follow all instructions.


  • The applicant must be a child, grandchild, or legal dependent of an active member of Producers Cooperative Association that is in good standing.
  • The applicant must be a graduating high school senior and have been accepted at an accredited Texas college, university, or technical school, enrolled in the first year of higher education.
  • The applicant must have been involved in 4-H or FFA for at least the last three years. A background in agriculture will be demonstrated in application.
  • Producers Cooperative has designated an independent Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee shall review the applications and decide on all scholarship recipients.
  • Producers Cooperative Scholarship Program excludes children, grandchildren, or legal dependents of individuals on the Producers Cooperative Association Board of Directors, Scholarship Committee, and individuals recognized as Senior Executives.

How to Apply

Students must download and return completed BOTH the Producers Cooperative Association Scholarship Application, AND the GPA Verification Form.  The GPA Verification form must be completed by the student’s high school principal or counselor.

Return completed application form and supporting materials no later than 5:30 p.m. on April 15, 2025.  Submit in person to the Accounting Office at the Bryan Producers Cooperative Association location in a sealed envelope addressed to Mark McMath OR email PDF files to  Do not mail.

Producers Cooperative has designated an independent Scholarship Committee. The Scholarship Committee shall review the applications and decide on all scholarship recipients.  Scholarship winners must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours, or full time equivalent, for the 2026 spring semester with proof of their registration and statement provided to the Producers Cooperative Association accounting office before the recipient’s scholarship is paid to the registrar.